Happily Ever Now !

The most amazing moment you will ever have is when you discover who is responsible for your happiness. Want to know now? 
It's You!  
That 's right, the only person responsible for your happiness is you. No one can make you happy, or sad for that matter! Only you can choose how you will be in any moment. 
Interesting isn't it? 
Does that statement make you happy or sad or are you pondering the power of the truth of that? 

When you truly understand that only you can make you happy or sad a whole world of wonderful experiences opens up to you! 

You get to "choose " how you will experience each moment of your day. I find that very exciting because I know that in each moment I am responsible for what I choose to experience. 


If you were the happiest girl in the whole world what would that look like?  

Like my Mother used to say, "You have to have a dream to make it come true!" 

Have you defined your "happy " life? Have you spent time dreaming or visioning what that looks like? Do you have pictures in your mind or on your vision board that you dream with? 

What would you feel like? Where would you be? Who are your friends? What do you experience each day? 

Spend time, several times a day, imagining and dreaming and thinking and talking about what you want your life to be ~ the more details the better. The more passion the better! 

Steer your thoughts all day long by asking yourself, "What is it I DO want?" 

Smile and laugh now, create yourself to be happy now as you dream of better times. Enjoy each now moment and you will find yourself attracting better and better now moments!  

Here is your mantra "I am Happily Ever Now!"