"Just a little reminder ~ who is controlling your thoughts?" Cynthia Segal

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"Cynthia is an angelic guide to the other side of your problems. She has great insight to what ails you, not what you think your problem is, but what your core issue really is. She is a gifted intuitive and a gentle, loving, joyful guide."

How the Process works;

Cynthia's Client success rate comes from taking the long view. 

She starts by telling you that you have lived thousands of lifetimes over millions of years. Once you understand, really understand that perspective on your life, she said, it helps everything in this lifetime fall into place.

Want to know why you are living a repeating pattern? Why you can't find real love? Why financial freedom keeps eluding you? Clean up your past lives!

Through a most amazing 4 step process Cynthia leads you into past lives where you will experience what happened, release all the dark energy you are still carrying from that lifetime, forgive yourself and everyone else involved then and now and finally and most importantly, fill yourself up with love and light.

"I felt a huge shift in my relationship after my first session!" "My back pain is completely gone. No one ever suggested that my pain came from my past lives!" "I'm happier than I've ever been, really, deeply happy. I released a horrific past life experience that completely made sense about why I couldn't be happy this lifetime."

Cynthia has created a program called Girl Power (for women) or Power Play (for men) that leads you, step by step through the above process and then teaches you how to do testing. BioEnergetic Testing is a tool that allows you to put a number on everything in your world. Since everything is energy, testing helps you select what is best for your Biosphere - your body!

Cynthia is a world reknown, top ranked Oracle, Psychic and Healer. Her Clients rely on her to answer their questions about health, wealth and their personal affairs. She communicates with our dearly departed and mentors Clients to develop their own Psychic Skills. Cynthia's Clients span 30 countries and are loyal to her brand of honesty, integrity and never ending uplifting humour and laughter.

"A Session with Cynthia is the best gift I've ever given to myself."

Cynthia guides her Clients through private Sessions, lectures, seminars, work shops, YouTube and telesummits. She has been featured in two movies and contributed to multiple books. 

Cynthia is easily accessible by phone at 1.303.903.6151  and email at info@cynthiasegal.com 


Cynthia Segal Background  

Cynthia spent more than 25 years living in the corporate world as a Computer Systems Designer, working with Fortune 100 Companies globally.

In her spare time, Cynthia produced large-scale, fund-raising events in support of not-for-profit organizations.

A few years ago, she was suddenly stunned and amazed to discover that she had received a magnificent gift of multiple psychic abilities. In her words... I remember having a conversation with God, I call him The Boss. I asked, Why me? I am a woman of science, living in a black and white world. I think you meant to give these skills to my neighbour, she is into all this Woo, Woo stuff, I'm just a computer geek. I think you missed by just one house.

She received a response to her question: the sound of the most loving, gentle laughter inside her head and the feeling of a deep, profound hug inside her body. It left her knowing that the future would be wonderful.

Feeling totally astonished and excited at the possibilities, she chose to take on a “If I can do it, so can you!” attitude and follow her new path helping and teaching others.

The rest is herstory...

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